
norway's coldplay?

that's these gentlemen. the white birch. love.

summer is for reading

and for listening to firehose with daniel

it took me a minute. but now i love hayley tompkins.

sophia coppola is pregnant. fyi.

this pretty much sums it up.

more of this.

less of this. (cigarettes i mean. not sarah lucas. more of sarah lucas, please)


it's been a hard day for aggi. she got a bit of her ear nipped off by another dog at the park. this might be the saddest picture ever. if the skin doesn't heal well on it's own she might have to have a portion of her ear amputated. poor kid. i'd have a little van gogh dog.

the best video for the day is this one from smog featuring another notable lady with a sad wound. oh how i feel like the mother of the world.



"mary" richardson project. ha.


my best friend gave me a record by el perro del mar last week. thank you so much. i hope you know how much it means to me. this lady wrote a song about a dog. then there's the song called "i can't talk about it" which now takes over as my number 1 played song every day. please, if you love the sun, buy this record.




"someone's looking at you."


happy mothers day, sons and daughters.